Sunday, March 7, 2010

More Progress...Only Three Weeks to go!!!

We visited our new home yesterday.  We do this every week, so we can see the progress in the development of our new home.  It makes me laugh that this makes us happy!  It feels so good to be married to the man of my dreams and buying our very first home together to start a family in.  yet, along with all this excitement is a lot of overwhelming feelings in all the decisions to make.  What type of blinds, what color of paint, what type of furniture, how to landscape the backyard...etc!  I count my blessings that we are fortunate enough to be able to make these decisions and are not forced to be making much harder ones.  We are very lucky to have each other and be living the life we do.  I am super excited for April 20th...this is the day Andy will switch back to days with weekends off and holidays off as well as start his new instructor job!  So, while we are waiting to move into our home we have started shopping as noted by previous posts.  This weekend we bought a ladder that is awesome.  Andy just had to have it; it is very versatile so he can use it to hook up the new ceiling fan we also bought, paint, or hang up Christmas lights this season outside the house.  I must tell you that this is something he looks forward to the most.  Hanging up Christmas lights and decorating the yard really reminds him of his childhood.  In addition to the ladder and fan we also bought paint supplies.  Now all we need to decide on are colors.  We are thinking green in the kitchen/dining room and a neutral tan/brown in the living room as well as all hallways.  The bedrooms/bathrooms we still have to many ideas in our head to narrow down the colors so, we'll probably wait until we actually move in to decide those.  I wonder what we will find next weekend to purchase...I love shopping for our home.  We have been waiting for so long to be able to do this.  Its so exciting.  On a side note, we had another mountain bike race today.  Andy did 14 miles and I did 7 miles.  The route was backwards so we thought it would be easier...wrong!  It was harder.  It was a lot of fun though.  Still lots of mud out there from the rain, but a great course.  I was able to take 8 minutes of my time from last time, which proves to me that all my hard work at spin class during the week is really paying off.  I am getting back into my groove.  It feels great!  Okay, so here are some pictures with more to come next week!

1 comment:

Dad Mujica said...

Cari and Andy, it is looking really good and I can see how much progress has been done. Wow! you even have some trees. I know that Andy will enjoy doing the Christmas lights since that was very special for both of us to do together when he was a kid and we lighted the whole outside of the house and even won best place in our home town for his efforts three years in a row. Love you all and keep us posted. Love Dad and Mom Mujica.