Sunday, February 21, 2010

Home Update and Other Stuff...

All is going well...Andy is definitely doing the instructor job and keeping us here for four more years.  His reporting date to the new job is April 20th.  Now we are anxiously waiting to find out when he will go to school.  It will be six weeks long...but after that he will be on days with weekends off and holidays off for four years!  I am super excited about that.  We both start classes again next week.  I think he is taking human physiology and I am taking human resources.  Our house is progressing with a few suprises.  The color of the house was supposed to be green but apparently the painter messed up and painted it a different color.  It all is good though because Andy and I actually like the accidental color better!  I have posted a picture of what it looks like as of now and what the final will look like.  The inside is textured and painted and the cabinets should be going in this week...we hope the driveway gets put down too.  I hope they do carpet very last to prevent stains while they work.  We are supposed to do our final walk thru on 24 Mar and hope to close on the 26th.  However, if it gets delayed we are okay because our apartment lease isn't up until the end of April.  So, we get to take our time to make sure our home is ready for us when we move in.  Oh...and we both just did a mountain bike race today.  It was lots of fun and very muddy.  Andy did the two lap course and I did one.  It felt great to get back out there.  Well, we will post more as there is more to share. 


Dad Mujica said...

I think I like this color even better and Andy we are so proud of you and I think that you will do an awesome job on your new instructor position.

Love you all, Dad Mujica

Jenna said...

I really like that color, it looks great!